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Old 2014-10-02, 15:28   Link #51
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
In a way, Naruto has already saved the world. They've got rid of Madara and Zetsu, possibly the largest masterminds behind almost everything. Orochimaru seems oddly mellow right now and even Kabuto has given up. The five Kages are all friends, everybody else has fought alongside each other, so things are pretty stable. Not perfect, but then as Hashirama said a few chapters ago to Madara, the point isn't to finish everything in their lifetimes but to pass things along to successors.

More likely it'll just come down to talk no jutsu, I know, but that's the way Naruto's world mostly works. The bijuus are happy to all just take a nap somewhere, Sasuke just isn't willing to leave things up to anyone else. Naruto is all about friendship with almost everyone by now. I just hope the fight won't be too one-sided from the beginning.
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