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Old 2006-04-16, 06:18   Link #48
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Originally Posted by Sorrow-K
This was a rather trite ending. I found Hazumu's pity-relationship choice really difficult to swallow and ultimately I consider it a copout. I think Blimey said it best: this has all the makings of a very unhealthy relationship, and personally I think it requires a real suspension of disbelief to consider it a happy ending.

I suppose in the end you just can't build an entire story from plot devices. Yasuna's YURIVISION made for some interesting drama at the time, but inevitably it, combined with Hazumu's weak nature as a character, lead to the soft ending we saw. I think it would have been a far more interesting and stronger ending if Hazumu had chosen Tomari (or possibly even either) and Yasuna had overcome YURIVISION on her own, but I suppose trying to develop the characters such that that sort of ending is believable would have taken far more time than they had.

Anyway, overall it was an interesting story that was seriously let down by its disappointing ending. A few interesting characters and concepts, but it was riddled by little flaws that all happened to come to a fore at the end.
there are always different people and different opinions, you know..
i am exactly like hazumu so i can understand her feelings, thoughts and everything in this series because it's just like my own feelings at all..

still, sometimes i don't understand why people think some things, like kashimashi, are not that good.. *sighs* but it's okay.. still, i don't like the people's end up there with the "yasuna wants a boy" thing.. ^^''' for me, my ending is the most fitting.. people talk about yasuna like a naughty love toy o.O

whatever.. i'm glad it ended like this.. it was the ending i was hoping for.. ^^
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