Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Shirobako (Mizushima Tsutomu and PA Works)
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Old 2014-10-31, 10:44   Link #257
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by Sphire View Post
Ahahaha, brilliant!

Looking at it, quite a number of the guys in this show are pretty, well, un-awesome. Most of the females on the other hand are all kinds of cool.
Well, there's Endou Ryousuke, while he isn't the overly helpful type, he has come through when not being annoyed by Tarou, which is pretty much like Segawa Misato (who is more openly helpful and annoyed by Tarou).

Is it just me, or should Tarou not be allowed to work with the animation department? I mean, he let that slow animator drag their feet in the first episode, and then he annoyed Segawa so that Aoi had to handle her, and that was episode 4 of Exodus, wasn't it? And now he's annoyed Endou into quitting episode 8.

Considering how much Endou ("Food, fame or fortune?"-scene) and Segawa (she worked herself to the bone) took from Aoi, they don't seem to be easily pushed to a breaking point, so I wonder what the heck Tarou is doing (is he calling them on their days off too?).
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