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Old 2014-11-03, 19:00   Link #13
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Join Date: May 2014
Originally Posted by Namorax View Post
So, he can create a single copy of every soldier that ever lived out of thin air (which should be... a few dozen billions, maybe more?), and they are fanatically loyal so he'll never have to fear being betrayed or belittled. After all, he's a civilian while they are soldiers. What kind of soldier would happily receive direct orders from someone who never learned about combat, strategy or tactics?
He can summon every weapon that ever existed up the weapons of the 21st century (satellites as well?). He doesnt have to bother with fuel, ammunition and from the sounds of it even about feeding his troops or keeping their morale up, since he can just summon more people to take care of that for him.

I don't really see what is supposed to be interesting about a story like that... even a small squad of modern-day infantery should be capable of wiping out a small horde of orcs/monster of the day. They might be "surprised" by mages, but in the end the soldiers would deal with them as well after loosing a few of their numbers.

Where's the suspense? Or is this a storyabout the MC's character growth, exploring how he struggles with his sudden military power and the decicions he has to make? How his knowledge and superior weaponry impact the fantasy world god/author decided to drop him into? (Nah, probably not...)

cabman mentioned this story was just a joke for god. I guess god=author... Maybe the story has merit oris indeed interesting. But after reading the introduction I dont think I'll bother keeping this on my radar.
part of his powers that he receives military knowledge. And how to utilize it. plus he can summon military advisers and magic in this series is really 0p. the modern military equipment give him a good edge. I'm talking s*** like floating magic island fortress magic death beams. bullshit spells and curses. zombies, bulletproof dragons and other fantasy like bullshit. at one point he had to go nucular because he couldn't get past their magic shield

Oh and if you actually read the story instead of coming here and ranting you would know that he started out only with a small platoon and only being able to summon stuff from ww2. the more he wipes out in the more trials from God he completes the more he can summon

oh and finally where's the appeal in this? We want to see if stuck up magician get a bullet to the head
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