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Old 2014-11-06, 13:16   Link #17
Join Date: Jan 2014
I enjoy LMS better than Ark. I don't mind OPness as seeing things done cleverly is way more interesting than having a down-to-earth character. Stealing kills yet never getting caught due to doing manual labor and being stealthy? Having people pay you for a quest and then basically do it for you? His preparations before fighting Lich Shire?

Weed works hard for everything and accomplish it with wit and humor. Even when he scams others, he does it without them noticing! I am fine with Weed not being 'schooled' as many others wish, he spent all his life being put down.

My qualm with Ark is just that he is not personable, humorous or consistently clever. In volume 1 the only thing I can applaud him for his making the mice and wolves fight each other. Though using the canon on the lake was marvelous. He has small downs, but he then thinks something up to ROLFstomp it. I don't see how Ark is less of a Gary Stu.

Ark is the story of someone currently facing difficulties. LMS is the story of someone who, through hard work, no longer has to worry about money yet is unable to be 'normal' due to his childhood.

Edit: I quite enjoy Only Sense, it's really funny even though there's no way a MMO is full of combat junkies. If it is, why isn't her shop constantly running out of stock due to all the buffs she sells? I have a few emergency consumables that make sure to always have, it just doesn't make sense.

Last edited by Altrelo; 2014-11-06 at 13:29.
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