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Old 2006-04-17, 20:33   Link #9
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by NoSanninWa
Since I started this tiny controversy, I'll explain. I closed that thread simply because it wasn't likely to create any interesting discussion. Monster is a show that simply isn't known for "hot" characters. Neither the art style, nor the way that the story is told, support such a contention. In order to support your question, you'd have needed to do a better job of creating the thread.

If you had something interesting to say in your post, such as the reasons that a certain character is "hot," then I could have been persuaded to leave your thread in peace. The creator of a thread needs to actually write something interesting at the beginning of a thread in order to create something interesting out of an unsuitable topic. Lacking anything other than a plea for others to present an opinion, it looked unlikely to produce conversation of any intersting level. So I killed it.

If I may respectfully say so, there are some flaws with your argument. First you say that "Monster is a show that simply isn't known for hot characters." That is YOUR opinion. Not everyone may feel the same. Is your opinion a fact that has been backed by official research? No.
I already gave a Mai Otome thread as an example for comparison but I'll give another one. It's a like a school lesson where a teacher "feels" that something should be done in a certain way without being able to substantiate what they say. And because a student raises up the question of whether a particular issues can be done another way, the teacher immediately shuts the student up just because the teacher has no way of being able to substantiate the argument. (I bring up this metaphor since I teach - I always have facts to back up my explaination).

I have already explained why I didn't explain more - by saying who I think is "hot", the thread becomes pointless. It's like me saying "Here I think blah blah blah is hot. Don't you agree with me?"
If you had wanted me to elaborate more, you could have posted a request but no, you just had to dive in and lock the thread before anyone could say anything.

My aim of this post is not just a plea for you to revive the thread but mostly to make sure that there is no future unpleasantness to stiffle healthy discussions since there are other mods on this forum and my aim is to bring this to their attention in case another one of them does the same. I hope you take the thoughts of someone who has also been a mod in other boards into consideration. Thank you for your time.
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