Thread: Licensed Tokyo Ghoul [Manga]
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Old 2014-12-08, 23:49   Link #1257
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Join Date: Dec 2014
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I hope though that the news of Kaneki being alive didn't spread to Touka and Yomo (till now obviously). After all if you think about it, the lines of reasoning as to why they would have left him alone aren't particularly favorable. The only two reasonable lines of thinking that I could come up with for them leaving him to his fate, are firstly that he was two heavily guarded as a member of the CCG (rather unlikely since they could get him alone one time or another, but then again we don't know how much Arima is keeping track of Kaneki), or secondly that they believed he was happy as a "human", which is bad in it's own way since that means even after all that time together they don't know him at all (it is clear as day that he is miserable).

As for other ghouls knowing, I wonder about the extent of that actually. Since the mere fact that Ayato is on to him indicates that others know...and yet you would think that those above Ayato would have already moved on this. After all Kanou wanted Kaneki badly, and who knows what Eto's thoughts on the matter were.
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