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Old 2014-12-19, 23:28   Link #3507
Black Sun and White Moon
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Chappy world
Originally Posted by Avalon64 View Post
Really? they don't look that much bigger to me, Well she has to grow up too right? But think of it this way she still is the least stacked out of every girl
Lol. Well to me they do look quite bigger. I showed my brother and he too thought they looked significantly bigger. Theyre not huge which Im happy for. I think it would take something away from her character if she "made" then bigger like tsunade. I want her to accept herself as she is.
Yeah Im sure she is still the one with the smallest boobs.

I think I just love it when small chested characters rock their small breast and it makes me kinda sad when they later get big or bigger boobs.(*cough*personal problems doesnt have big boobs herself*cough*) its not a big deal though theyre not super big so its ok.
"I wonder if I can keep up with the speed of the world without you."
"I will pass through even 100 million blades!!"
"The rain drags the black sun down,"but the rain dried by white moon."
"The sun that locks Heaven.","The moon that eclipses the night."
"Time passes but the bond doesn't break."
"One shinigami, One boy" The tale of destiny begins The accidental encounter
"When the two that share destiny part and reunite, beyond the frame of time, the ceased clock will awake and start to tick once again."
"Though times only moves one way, we can still relive 'those days' in our minds."
"This time, I will be the one to give you strength."
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