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Old 2014-12-28, 15:54   Link #497
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
I found an awesome picture that I thought would go well with this story. Okay, so the Santa in this story is probably looks a little more like the popular image of the character, but it still seems appropriate somehow.

The ending with Jinnai was a bit cheesy, but very fitting since this is a Christmas story.

Originally Posted by 0utf0xZer0 View Post
and MoefoxZero making almost everyone’s hearts bright as he sang and performed a Christmas Carol dance along with Muse, though Kirito made a special amusing end to the performance by pulling on Moef0xZer0’s tail and making Darthtabby laugh.
Hey, don't touch girls' tails:
The scene I had in mind was more this one. Though I imagine MoeFox's reaction would probably be less violent than Sinon's. I'm not sure whether I would or wouldn't want to see it. It might actually scare me more.

(Thanks to RRR for finding some way to incorporate that suggestion despite it's lateness, btw.)
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