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Old 2015-01-02, 08:56   Link #10409
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
I think most is said already, but this merits one more response.

Originally Posted by madmac View Post
Explicit romantic developments between the two are verboten because Nagi would win instantly so instead everything is about reinforcing their "bond" while hinting things may change in the future. This is not even a unique premise.)
Just to make this clear: There is no romantic bond between Hayate and Nagi. To my knowledge, Hayate has not once considered Nagi as a romantic partner (as opposed to several other girls), and Nagi's conviction about Hayate being in love with her has never left chuuni status. It's an asymmetrical loyalty/chuuni bond.

Would non-Nagi endings compatible with HnG be possible? Yes, absolutely - from the storytelling aspect there would be no hindrances. He wouldn't even necessarily have to stop being her butler. However, it would demand _lasting developments_, something which Hata can't seem to stomach. Then again, it would require lasting developments to make a romantic linkup between Hayate and Nagi palatable, too.

Also if you think Konoha is meant to be taken seriously instead of just stirring the pot I don't know what to tell you.
You're a bit rude, you know? I listed Konoha as an example that in my opinion Hata is _not_ eagerly trying to tie up "dozens of loose ends". Otherwise he wouldn't be so busy creating new ones.
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