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Old 2015-01-17, 17:46   Link #68
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
Actually, most people think that Slaine somehow got his abilities from his father, who was investigating the power of Aldnoah before his death.

And interestingly enough, when Lemrina kissed him, you could see the power go into his through a glow. You never saw that with Inaho at the CPR scene, or when Asseylum saved Slaine's life as a child. You only saw a glow later with the blood scene. So, I'm thinking it's more than just the act of kissing. It's probably the passing of the genes somehow through fluids or something.
The reason why I'm skeptical about the father is because we don't have any scene of him interacting with his father in a way which would've hinted of that possibility. And it doesn't seem like his father and him are on the same level as the Martian royalty in terms of having full right to Aldnoah, at least for now. So, as of right now, the kiss with Asseylum still seems to me to be the more likely method, especially since we got a confirmation of it in this episode.

As for the glow, one possible explanation would be that Asseylum did not know what she was doing when she was younger, thus the effect not being so noticeable. With Lemrina knowing what she was doing and the blood being a stronger method and what finalizes it for Inaho per my earlier assumption, the glow would be more noticeable. Also, like I said, it doesn't seem like Slaine received any fluid from Lemrina either.
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