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Old 2015-01-18, 10:37   Link #4
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
Basically what Shyni said, but think about it objectively.

Animation studios do not adapt stuff based on their objective values, they adapt stuff based on their ascertained popularity among the targeted group that is most likely to buy related BD and merchandise.

When they adapt a manga, it's a manga that was first published in a magazine among dozens of other manga and it proved itself to have sold several tankobons.

When it is a LN adaption, it is a LN that was first published in a LN magazine and received positive responses.

When it is a VN adaption, it is a VN that sold thousands of copies and that probably already have a manga adaption or that already sold several related action figures and related merchandise.

So if you want your novel to be animated you should first try to make it so it gets published on a LN magazine. But that means it should be written in Japanese to begin with and that assuming the companies are willing to deal with a foreigner. Your chances would probably increase if you could prove you are living in Japan.

Barring that, you can just publish your book as a standard novel, but how many chances are there that a novel that isn't specifically a light novel to be animated? And I don't mean western novels, I mean all novels, including 100% Japanese novels.
That's not very likely. There aren't really many novels that have been adapted into anime, and that's because animation studio are looking for successful works in a very specific demographic.

Now it's not like it's impossible for a novel, including western novels, to be animated, but that's more likely to be animated into a movie than a series. Studio Ghibli did a few, Howl Moving Castle and Earthsea, for example. But that's probably not what you are looking for, and then again, good luck with that.

So to make it short. You want your story to be animated in the kind of series like Bakemonogatari, Sword Art Online, Haruhi Suzumiya, Shakugan no Shana, To Aru Majutsu no Index? You need to go through the same steps that those went through. You need to get your story published as a light novel, in a light novel magazine, and you must hope it will have a good enough reception.
There's no cutting corners here.

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