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Old 2006-04-29, 01:20   Link #43
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Adigard
It's been suggested by a few of our Japanese speaking forumites that the new manga isn't terribly succesful. Kyon apparently is more of a cheap knock-off character and the manga isn't terribly succesful in replicating the "feel" of the novel.
It's not that the manga is bad, but the original novel contained detailed literatures and the anime boasts superior art qualities, while the manga, in comparison, doesn't seem to have a lot to offer in return: the story isn't as detailed as the original novel, nor is the visual presentation as polished as the anime. The anime even managed to replicate the novel character designs down to a tee, while the manga took some liberties (especially for Kyon's design).

To put it in simpler words, as a media format used to deliver the story of "Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu", the manga (currently) just doesn't have the same impact value that the novels and anime have.

But, if you're simply interested in reading a manga adaptation/version of Suzumiya Haruhi and nothing else, then for what it's worth, the manga itself is actually very nicely done.
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