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Old 2015-03-04, 11:15   Link #23
Joseph Defense Squad
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mars
Hmmmm... I can't help but feel this series is full of wasted potential and dragged down by Tomino's weird direction.
It still feels like nothing of real impact or significance has happened and the real story has yet to start, the cast still feels like polite strangers- even though this is episode 22 and even though a huge cast has been doing all sorts of things this whole time.

I still like it, but seeing Manny and Mask's reunion, which was well done as soon as the dialogue stopped, I couldn't help but notice how little an impression the show has really left. It could've been touching, but it felt almost out of place in an otherwise somewhat investment and emotionless show.
Nothing that happens really feels serious...
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