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Old 2015-03-16, 12:54   Link #34951
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
OK. I personally have a hard time accepting your theory. It's not because I necessarily demand a classical mystery, but wouldn't it be beyond Urobutcher levels of tragic? It's rather a comically terrible ending.

I already had a hard time accepting Yasu as a culprit because it doesn't seem like she really wants to kill everyone. And yet, her irresponsibility with the bomb ends up wiping everyone out regardless of what happens in the family's own conflict.

But to top that off, the latter half of the story is actually just Battler finding his inner peace while he rots away in a cell? And Ange seeks the truth only to justify her own suicide and to meet her family in the afterlife?

I very much like Umineko, and its open-endedness keeps me coming back to see how others are interpreting it. Also I've yet to read the manga, which I hear is pretty good. All that's keeping me undecided.

But the way I currently see it is there is some wiggle room for a better ending in which all 3 "main characters" actually survive in Prime, and even for alternate culprit theories. (and yes I've not read the manga, but I'm aware of the red text in it. That doesn't change my perspective.)

A minor point about Inbuilt's theory for anyone that's maybe read the original japanese script:
When Ikuko asks "is this your garden?" does she use 庭 (yard, garden) or 園 (man-made garden or other facility)?
If it's the latter, that would be unusual. In that case, I'd have to agree there is a hidden meaning behind her question. If it's the former, well, it could be, or it could not be...
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