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Old 2006-05-02, 08:34   Link #14
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Join Date: Mar 2004
More than 4 criminals? (Ep. 02)

Coroner : He slashed his own throat and died from blood loss.
Fingernails were filled with flesh and skin. These weren't someone else's fingernails. It were his, without a doubt. They match the wounds too.

Oishi : Yeah. I know his death was a suicide.

Coroner : I know. You're asking if his death was something that could have been artificially triggered aren't you ?

Oishi : Well, it's a bit different from when your back hurts, and you scratch it so much it starts bleeding.

Some of his fingernails had come off.
It's pretty easy tearing off fingernails.
But it hurts. A lot.
Which means no one would normally do that.
And also the numerous bruises on Tomitake's body.
... Judging from the shape, they were caused by fists, and it's obvious several people surrounded him.

Coroner : The results of the chemicals analysis showed he was in a state of extreme excitment.

Oishi : Are you suggesting that after he got into the fight, he got so excited he actually slashed his own throat ?
I bet his assailants didn't expect that.

Indeed, it seems possible for someone very excited in an exceptional situation to do something normal people would never think of.
Of course, this is an extremely rare case.

Coroner : By the way Oishi-kun. About that wooden log the victim allegedly used as a weapon.
We could only find traces of sand and paint from the guard rail on it.

Oishi : How about fiber from the assailants' clothes, or skin ?

Coroner : None. The victim didn't hit them. Or the culprits took the log with them.

Oishi : Then they wouldn't have left another one at the crime scene. They'd have taken them all.

Coroner : Hahaha. Guess you're right.

Oishi : Tomitake had a pretty good body and a tan. He was a sportsman wasn't he ?

Coroner : Hmm ? That's right. From what I saw, he must have been excercising.
I cannot imagine what kind of sports he was into when he was alive, but his body was strong and healthy.
In other words, not a person that would go down without a fight.
A man with such a good physique in a dangerous situation started desperately swinging around a log.
Normally, it's unthinkable he wouldn't even hit one of his assailants.
Not to mention they were bare handed.
I think he must have hit one of them, especially with a log.

Oishi : How many men would it take to overpower someone like Tomitake ?

Coroner : Eh. You should know that. How about you remember your young days ?

Oishi (thinking): How many people would I want to get in a fight with Tomitake ?
Just like a swarm can take down a huge beast, attacking in numbers is the ironclad rule of hunting.
I'd want 4 people.
Even taking into account the difference in strengths, with that many people it should be okay.

Oishi : Which means groups of more than 4 drunk people at the festival become suspicious, right ?
.... A group of more than 4 people.
But with such numbers, why didn't they hide the body in an harder to find location ?
Or perhaps they restrained him, but he managed to escape when he was on the verge of death ?
But then I don't understand why he commited suicide.
What's more, I don't understand this absurd way to die.
This case is but a giant mystery.

Coroner : I'll be taking this into consideration. I'll investigate to the extent of my ability, but don't expect too much.
There are no precedents.

Oishi : I'm not expecting anything. I'm just looking forward to the results.

Someone else (kuma ?) : Oishi-san ! The chief is calling !

Oishi : Excuse me, I'll be going. See you next year.

Coroner : Thanks. Good year !

Last edited by kj1980; 2006-05-08 at 12:59.
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