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Old 2015-04-12, 08:31   Link #73
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Originally Posted by Gintokifan22 View Post
Ok, so I just read the chapter. I'm looking forward to Gear 4 but to me it feels too soon. We are just hitting the big leagues here and Luffy can't even make one dent with his King Haki which he's been training with for two years? I fear what will happen for him when they'll have to face Big Mom soon, what than? He could hardly handle the big bird here. I know Kid will come into play when we enter the Big Mom arc, wonder if Law will still be with the Strawhats at that point? You'd think after this that Law would need to rest a bit.

That's my concern on this is all. Two week break on this? I don't know any other Manga series that has so many breaks, feels like we just had one
Well, so far, Haoshoku wasn't portrayed to give you a strength boost like Busoshoku. It was only used to knock out the weak ones, so there wasn't any reason to believe, that the King's Disposition would make Luffy hit harder.
We will see how far Luffy can take it with Gear Fourth. To me, this is much more interesting than his improvement with Haki, because like Crocodile said, not many have mastery over their Devil Fruit and achieving this is rather hard.

And yeah, like others mentioned, HxH definitely is the worst when it comes to breaks How long has it been now? Nine, ten months?

Originally Posted by grey_1960
If not the combination of the two then what?
There are hundreds of possibilities and there are already so many theories out there on the fan boards. I bet Oda is gonna give us a good one

Furthermore, there was improvement in Gear 2nd (not having to charge it, thus not having to use it all the time and control over which body part is activated) and Gear 3rd (the air not being equally distributed, so he can withdraw faster and still stretch while using Gear 3rd) over the timeskip, plus he already showed a combination of the two techniques pre-timeskip, hence there is no need to name it Gear 4th now. We will see, but I definitely bet on a completely new thing.

Last edited by ri0; 2015-04-12 at 08:57.
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