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Old 2015-05-02, 17:53   Link #2223
Join Date: Nov 2014
Originally Posted by MrTerrorist View Post
And next chapter we finally meet The American Pacific Fleet of Fog!
I hope so too, but given how the plot is jumping from one place to another this could still take a while. Considering how many plot lines are happening now, battle with Kongou + subplots, 4th facility + subplots, Hakugei & Repulse, Yukikaze's secret mission and now the American fleet, something really big has to happen.

On another note, I was wondering about the death of Iori plot line. First I thought it will be used for some character development for Iona or by extension Gunzou. After all, a possible meeting between Gunzou and Yamato/Kotono would be very different if one crewmember would have died battling one of her subordinates. But now with Ashigara saving her I doubt Iori will die. So was this used for some cheap drama?
I'm getting the feeling that this maybe a setup for a change of ship plot. A couple of chapters ago Hyuuga was asking Gonzou how long he is going to be Iona's [insert missing word her], my bet on the missing word is captain. During this battle we saw how Iona values her crew as friends and wants to protect them, and vice versa. While battling Kongou one of her crew almost died. Maybe Iona will realize that in future battles her capabilites as a submarine won't be enough to protect them. Kongou is a normal battleship, stronger ships and the Fog carriers are still out there and the Fog itself is getting stronger. In addition to the tsundere heavy cruiser there could be a super battleship who also want's to show her engine to our captain.
So I really think there could be change of ship in the near future. I hope Nagato steals Gonzou for herself. The probability for this happening is around 0.1% but the amount of trolling would be amazing.
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