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Old 2015-06-11, 20:43   Link #12
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Elsewhere
Age: 32
This is the main way I discover new anime outside of sampling random currently-airing series. I often get into moods where I want to watch/read specific types of stories, or stories in particular settings, so I'll browse through user recommendations for series I've already seen on anime sites to find series that will fit with whatever it is I want at the time.

A lot of the time, though, I'll be looking into things based on staff. If there's an anime I really liked, I'll look into its director and see if they did other interesting things. I've discovered a lot of neat anime this way (things like Noein and Kemonodzume come to mind). I've also watched entire series that were directed by people that tend to bring distinctive visual styles like Shigeyasu Yamauchi and Rie Matsumoto just from having seen series where they directed only 1 or 2 episodes. Character designers and animators sometimes catch my eye, too. I'm pretty fond of Mutsumi Inomata and Yoshihiko Umakoshi.

I can't help but feel like following staff can be kind of risky, though. Watching something like Brain Powered looks extremely appealing to me from the staff but sometimes I lay awake at night and wonder why I was so cruel to myself to watch all of its episodes.

You people don't actually talk to each other, do you? No way you could be this dysfunctional as a team and contradict each other if you did. Power trips not appreciated regardless.
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