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Old 2015-06-14, 16:57   Link #758
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Originally Posted by p-kun View Post
So, I don't understand what's with Hayato. He's going to social sciences because he has no choice as all of his friends are going there and he wants to be with them? But at the same time he doesn't want to tell his friends so they can make their own choices or what? What's with him?
Its fairly straight forward from the episodes title. He doesn't want to disappoint people so he keeping decision secret. He doesn't want people to be disappoint by what ever decision he makes and he doesn't want to feel pressured into picking a specific course of study.

I don't know how high school education in Japan specifically works, but in a lot of Asia they use a track system which is largely imported from British education model. In your senior year of high school you specialize into taking classes required by specific track. The track your on effectively decides what types of majors/programs you would be eligible for on should you go to university.

In most countries when you apply to university, you don't just apply to an university as a whole, but a specific department or a major. You don't too many courses outside your department. So it is very difficult to change programs down the road. So your choice is a big deal, and its irresponsible just too factor

So the track you pick is actually an incredibly big deal and has a long term influence on your lifes direction. Basically Hayato doesn't want his decision to influence other people or be influenced by other people if i'm understanding the situation correctly.
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