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Old 2015-06-19, 01:34   Link #281
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Iron Maw View Post
Soooo I guess this will be a thing for FE from here on out? Shoehorning time-travel just to give an excuse to explain the cast's kids exist in the same period as their younger parents? I feel like I might even be able to predict the major twist of the plot just from that.

...And does it also mean that incest between the MC um his family is possible?
To be fair, there really is no better way to do it. If it was a traditional story, then like FE4 you would have the majority of the first cast either dead or retired after a time skip to make room for the children.

And if you didn't have the children's parents married properly for inheritances, the child would be too weak to keep up.

There would also be the problem of fans getting too attached to the first generation, only to find out that the majority of them die off or are nowhere to be found after the timeskip. It's also not fair to first time players who aren't aware of the time skip since they haven't made the proper preparations.
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