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Old 2015-06-19, 12:21   Link #45
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Originally Posted by solidguy View Post
Luffy wasn't counting on WB pirate when he wanted to save Ace? Or Robin in his fight against crocodile? How about Nami's scooter when he fought Eneru? Your argument is that it is out of character for Luffy to rely on others saving him when he has been saved countless times.
you're drawing an illogical conclusion. just because Luffy has been saved by people, doesn't mean that being saved by people was part of his plan or something he counted on. He's constantly wanting to end these types of fights on his own. There are plenty of times where he reasonably should have died like fighting Magellan for instance, but someone just happened to be there to save him. That wasn't all part of his "master plan" or something. And in this fight, he wasn't counting on the island to save him. He was surprised and happy that the announcer was there. He wasn't relieved like "Oh I'm glad you're here like I planned on". He thought that his Kong Gun would finish Mingo and he was wrong. He wasn't thinking what you're implying like"I'll try Kong Gun and if that doesn't work then the islanders will protect me for 10 minutes so I can try King Kong Gun." Luffy doesn't think that way. His plan is usually just to beat the strongest opponent with brute force. Simple as that.
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