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Old 2015-06-23, 01:25   Link #820
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
The way I see things, Haruno is just the 'mid-boss'. Hayama said that Haruno kills those people she likes with too much attention, while she tramples to dust those she doesn't. If Haruno really wanted to, she could have completely crushed the trio's friendship in the very beginning.

But she didn't do that. It seems Haruno is the cause of all the trouble, but it's not like it's all consecutive. Case in point, Haruno definitely caused trouble around New Years where she baited out Yukino with Hachiman in the phone. But nothing until Valentines day. To us it seems she's just there to shake things up all day, every day, but it only feels that way because of the episodic nature of the medium. In actuality, a month has passed with no trouble from her.

All that trouble Haruno has caused, but for what? To see if the trio's friendship can actually go against Yukimom. If the three can't even handle Haruno, what about their mom who is worse than the two daughters combined?

Now the bigger question is whether or not she gave up this episode. It's pretty obvious that Haruno does not like Yukino's regression to her past self (which I share the same sentiments), and she sees the trio's friendship to not have advanced much at all. It's been like, what, over half a year already since they met? Maybe her patience is running thin, or maybe she doesn't want Yukino to go past the point of no return, so maybe now she brings the mom now to crush the friendship that she thinks is hurting Yukino?

Thing is, I find it sad that it seems that Haruno herself doesn't have any friends. Like, she's an alumni who just recently graduated, so surely there must be someone she knows who wants to come back with her to their old school. It's also shown that she was eating alone in the café before she coincidentally met Hachiman, and we never see her hang out with anyone at all.

So maybe in the end, Haruno is also trying to find something genuine? Maybe she had bad experiences back in her high school days, where everyone has been driven off by her family. So the way she's meddling in Yukino's life is her way of saying... "Get tough personally, or find people who can stand beside you till the very end."

Originally Posted by Bonta Kun View Post
Ahh what to do here.
I'm a long time sailor of the HikkiXYukino ship and I like life on board but I spy HikkiXIroha off the starboard side and it's firing it's 16inch guns at us and we're taking on water!
Don't know if I want to save her with my trusty bucket or jump ship?!
From my point of view, SS "Save Me Someday" pretty much Tomahawked every other ship before they even got close to use their main guns. Even this episode, Hachiman with his eyebrow twitch upon hearing Yukino giving choco to Hayama pretty much has every other ship in major damage control mode.

So if you REALLY like HikkiXYukino, don't abandon it. I chose to abandon it for other reasons, despite knowing full well it will be the one with the highest probability of sailing to the sunset.

Now it may just be the cold I have atm but I'm not quite getting what Haruno is getting at and why it's bothering the trio so much.
When I was back at school, shit like adults talking nonsense like that never bothered me.
Quite true. Like personally, at that age, all I cared was about having fun with my friends.

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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