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Old 2015-06-29, 23:14   Link #2538
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Somethindarker View Post
Last I heard it was called an epilogue but that was a while ago so you're probably right. Hopefully the writer got his time off and figured out a way to fix this series it was at one time one of my favorites and if it does go on or we get a sequel series I'd be happy as long as the quality of the story doesn't drop.
Well... I've always thought the author was being a bit of a tease. It could just be "an epilogue to the events that happened in this volume, but not to the whole story". So I'm reserving judgement. We'll see what happens. The big thing is that all the delays (whatever the reason) have put a strain on the momentum of the story (and probably the sales, I imagine) so hopefully as you say the writer has everything in order now one way or another.

I also hope things worked out with Buriki -- still hasn't been illustrating anything, and I still don't think we heard if he was sick/injured, burnt out, or what.
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