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Old 2015-07-06, 00:22   Link #481
Wiggle Your Big Toe
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Milwaukee
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Key Board View Post
Fine, sensory altering drug
It's just as gross

we those things in real life too
and it was still done without her consent

Look, slipping chemicals or whatever into someone's food/drink even if you intend something good is just wrong.
Especially if it's something that alters your perception in a way like that

Well he does apologize and feels bad about it afterwords and she is aware of what's going on, so yeah still think it's being blown out of proportion. People make misguided decisions with good intentions all the time in real life, god forbid if one does so in a game (if anything it shows a flawed character). It's not like the game is sending the message, "hey guys go out and just help everyone with their problems in whatever way you feel is best without telling them!"

Seriously this really shouldn't be that big a deal. Like if this was done in the context of a prank on the person and while unexpected both had a good laugh afterwords and didn't give a crud, then who cares in the long run. As long as both parties are unharmed and completely fine with the current situation (which happens in the game) whats the big flipping deal then. Also whats so gross about suddenly seeing men as women or vice versa? It's certainly no where near as gross as an actual bad drugging scenario.
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