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Old 2015-07-06, 02:28   Link #57126
~ Your Smile ~
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: 346Pro
Age: 38
The Yamato from the mirror universe not only survived into the 24th century, she was converted into a dreadnought cruiser. The spinal phaser lance has been used to fire many things, including for all intents and purposes, a subspace warp blast, ie treknobabble for wave motion gun.

Alas this was only in the expanded universe.

That being said, I've been so bogged down by earthly matters that I haven't really explored space travel. Sure, in the ending credits we will have cosmonaut Anya leading the first manned mission to Jupiter, but I'd say warp drive isn't for this generation. Baby steps for now and it distracts from my narrative a lot.

Maybe, in future, I'd revisit the Idol Stratos as Humanity begins their Trek through the Stars, cheered on by the Idols that light their way. But that... Will be a different story.
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