Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll God Eater
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Old 2015-07-19, 12:26   Link #192
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
Episode 2 nearly bored me to death.
Not only the slow motions were as numerous (or even more?) as in ep1, but the directing was really bad at times. The fight against the Vajra was so slow it completely lost its sense of urgency. Frankly, I couldn't take seriously Lindow's comment that "things aren't going good" when the Vajra was just a lump of meat barely moving around. The fact he had time to carry Renka on his shoulder as if it was nothing hardly justify his comment.

Renka's reactions aren't helping either as he appears way too dull, even after learning about Eric's death. I don't expect him to go all egdy or gungho whatsoever, but he sounded hollow even when it comes to dialogues regarding saving his comrades in arms.

Finally, barely anything was addressed regarding the chain of commands or whatever is happening around the world. The world building is practically inexistent as far as the anime goes.

The only beef I have with Renka (at this moment) is his lacking of thinking things/paying attention a bit. Why is this character trait almost found in some (if not most) MCs.

As for his lack of reaction, that's probably something that might/might not be touch upon (he's probably not the only character of any series who'll reacted like that).
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