Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (movie & TV)
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Old 2015-07-28, 14:32   Link #3269
Kamijou Touma IB
Imagine Breaker
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Gakuen Toshi
I hope this is true

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News from Japan: I'd like everyone to take a deep breath and remain calm and read this for what it IS, not for what it ISN'T. The new issue (#11) of Ship's Log, the Yamato Premium Fan Club magazine, is purported to contain an interview with Exec Producer Souji Nishizaki. A fan who read the interview reports on Twitter that early pre-production has begun on the remake of Yamato 2. Staff is being hired and research is underway at Xebec Studio.

I repeat, this is a fan relaying news on Twitter, and that's all the information that was given. When a copy of Ship's Log #11 arrives here at the nerve center in a week or two, I'll do an actual translation of the interview. For now, if this is true, it's the first reliable news from the inside. Fingers crossed that it holds up!
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