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Old 2015-07-31, 17:07   Link #53
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Originally Posted by Talendra View Post
Kaidou's motivation is still very confusing to me.

On the one hand side he is simply bored. From what I understood, his suicide attempts are his hobby only because there isn't enough challenge out there in the world to keep him interested. So in order to find such a challenge, his started "fighting" himself. It can't be because of a lack of powerful enemies, even if he is to be considered the strongest after Whitebeards death, the Admirals and his fellow Yonkou should still pose a significant enough threat. Apparently however, they don't, and the only reason I can see why is his "inability" to die. He tried it all, got into fights, lost, got captured, but he would still end up being alive and bored at the very end. So far, that seems kinda coherent to me.

However, I just don't understand how this problem and behavior results in him not entering the war of the summit. Surely this would have been at least somewhat entertaining. He didn't even needed to join WB, could have just made it a nice 3-way fight. Yea, I know Shanks stopped him somehow, and yes, it might have been with something as simple as "hey, this WILL shatter the worlds balance, doesn't that sound exciting to you?". But then, why did we not hear of any of Kaidous exploits since then - we had ample opportunity to. And why is he still busy trying to kill himself, if the world has gotten so much more interesting since then? While we have not seen any specific information about what exactly Kaidou did since the WBs death, we have been presented with quite a lot of developments, such as the marine power struggle, Blackbeards elevation to Yonkou level etc. The absence of any information about Kaidou seems to indicate that he simply did not do anything to shake the world since then, being kinda complacent with his status in the world, which just does not feel like the character we have met this chapter.

Additionally, his whole thing of creating an artificial zoan DF army does not feel not coherent with all we have now learned about him.

Dude, you're overthinking this. Everything about the World's Strongest Creature defies common sense. He's an existence that's far beyond our puny plebeian comprehension. I mean, this is a guy who literally makes world leaders his bitch. Hell, one of the guys in his crew is probably a superhuman caveman who grew up hunting dinosaurs to survive. Who are we to question why he'd amass an army of beastmen while he's busy leaping off skyscrapers islands? That's just how he rolls, my friend!

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
Is Kaidou possibly a D? They are notoriously lucky and hard to kill. Especially after Law just almost died about 10 times last arc.
Going by that logic, can we assume that people like Usopp and Spandam are part of the D lineage, too?
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