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Old 2015-08-19, 05:54   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 797 [manga]

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Holiday break is over, so we're back on track! Credit goes to AP's Redon and Aohige for the current spoiler:

-Chapter title is "Rebecca". Splash page has Smoker, the G5 unit, and the Punk Hazard kids.

-Zoro tells Luffy to hurry and finish with whatever business he has and to hurry up to the east port. However, Bart notices that Zoro is running towards the south instead, but that doesn't diminish his admiration for the swordsman, naturally. Meanwhile, a group of marines led by VA Bastille (little hard to tell from the pic's size, but it looks like he replaced the mask that Sabo destroyed) are busy searching for the pirates. Abdullah and Jeet try to distract him with a fake call claiming that all pirates have been taken care of, but the VA catches on to them. The marines chasing the Straw-Hats now have a bunch of the gladiators to deal with....

-Meanwhile, at the palace, Luffy shouts for Rebecca, who answers him as the marines are closing in on him. He leaps to her window, asking if she's alright with Kyros' decision to leave her. She said she read his letters, and asks if her father is fine with the decision, but Luffy once again asks her if SHE is the one okay with this. She answers that no, she's obviously not! Thus, Luffy asks her to go somewhere with him, to which she agrees, but not before asking her aunt Viola for a favor. Soon, the two set off together, but the people of the palace misunderstand the situation as Luffy kidnapping Rebecca!

-The news of the kidnapping spreads all over the nation. The marines try to fire at Luffy, but the rifles fire duds and the soldiers fall to the ground! Bastille thinks it's because Luffy used Conqueror's Haki, but one of his men confirms that's not the case, as the fallen marines are still conscious. Meanwhile, the townsfolk prepare to stop Luffy as well, believing that in the end, a pirate is still a pirate even if he saved the nation. Meanwhile, Kyros gets ready to depart, but as soon as he opens his door, he spots none other than.... Rebecca! She demands that he stop lying, and regardless of his bloody history, he is her one true father! As she embraces him, she remembers the promise he made when he was Thunder Soldier. A tearful Kyros asks if she's truly alright with him being her father, and she replies that yes, she is, and wants to live together with him.

-Viola tells king Riku Rebecca's message: She has no intention of returning to the palace, and wishes for Viola to be princess in her stead. Apparently, this is the second time she's been asked this favor (the first time was probably by Rebecca's mother). Meanwhile, the Straw-Hats are waiting for Luffy at the east dock, and it turns out that Law has disappeared somewhere, as well. Soon, Bart spots Fujitora flying after them, while Luffy makes his way to the dock...!!!

Last edited by marvelB; 2015-08-19 at 20:49.
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