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Old 2015-09-03, 16:47   Link #18
Join Date: Aug 2015
It's a hard issue. Because the gender based bathrooms weren't set up based on what gender somebody is inside, but solely based on physical reality. Even their design is based around if people using them can piss while standing. If we stop considering that then there's no reason for any gender-segregated bathrooms, which would probably be for the best. Altough americans sadly seem to react with pure terror to any nudity, which likely escalates the problem way beyond what it's should be.

I wonder...does the pre-op trans people have problem with actually using the bathroom designated for gender they don't feel being a part off...or is the issue centered around the fact that it's a sign of how some parts of society view and discriminate them? Because if it's the later then unisex bathrooms would fix it. If the former then it won't be fixed.
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