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Old 2015-09-11, 19:29   Link #1286
OneTrueTatsuya's apostles
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Originally Posted by Wurstorff View Post
I'm bored, too. Let me answer you through a case by case analysis.

Maya's goal is flipping off the world.

Case 1) Goal of Tatsuya destryoing the world

Case 1.a) Tatsuya learns to care about other haremettes than Miyuki. They might keep him stable if Miyuki bites the dust => Maya says no.

Case 1.b) Tatsuya just goes with the flow, only cares about Miyuki. She eats a bullet, he goes batshit, world goes boom. No change.

Case 2) Tatsuya overcomes all his and his girls' opponents

Case 2.a) Tatsuya cares about all. Gives him more problems to solve, more opponents to overcomes => more flip off-age. Maya happy.

Case 2.b) Tatsuya still only cares about Miyuki. No change, or the same as 2.a. Either way, we end up with an indifferent or happy Maya.

If Maya is confident in her plan and the Yotsuba's skills, she'd think it unlikely for Tatsuya to care for girls other than Miyuki, making the b cases more likely to her. In that case, she shouldn't have any complaints...?

... You know. Mayumi joining the harem would be quite the provocation towards Koichi, so Maya just might support it for shits and giggles.
Yeah, she might just accept Mayumi for the lol factor.
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