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Old 2015-09-30, 23:05   Link #1
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Join Date: Dec 2005
One Piece - Chapter 802 [manga]

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Spoiler's here! Credit goes to AP's Redon and Aohige for the info:

-Chapter title is "Zou". No character-specific splash page this week since there's a color page instead.

-Barto's ship is struggling with harsh weather. When Franky asks to meet their navigator, Bart tells him that there IS no navigator, as his entire crew is made up of street thugs. Whenever they get in a pinch, they consult Gambia's granny for advice on the denden mushi, but all they ever get from her is homemaker tips, lol. In the end, it's up to Luffy and co. to take control of the situation, as they brave through more harsh conditions like extreme weather and sea king attacks....

-Meanwhile, at Marine HQ, Kizaru gets a report that Shichibukai Edward Weeble (maybe Weevil?) destroyed the A.O. pirates, one of Whitebeard's allied crews. Turns out, this was the 16th crew under WB's banner to get destroyed by this warlord, who seems to have a habit of picking fights with these particular pirates. However, he always causes heavy casualties during this quarrels, this latest one numbering over 600 (both injured AND dead). The marines are concerned about Weeble's aggression, and while they do agree that his title of Whitebeard's son is a strong one, they actually doubt the credibility of such a claim. Kizaru, on the other hand, cares not about the truth behind this warlord's story..... the only thing that DOES matter is that he's extremely powerful! He even says that Weeble is just like Whitebeard in his youth..... strength-wise, at least.

-We're then formally introduced to the new warlord in question, the self-proclaimed son of Whitebeard. His former bounty was 480 million berry. However, the man himself..... seems to basically be a huge manchild, lol. We're also introduced to his mother Bakkin, the self-proclaimed lover of Whitebeard. She says that all of the pirates united under Whitebeard's name are a fake family, and that her son is Whitebeard's one and only true child. She then continues by saying that they need to hunt down Marco and the rest and rob them of their treasures, as Weeble is the true heir to the deceased emperor's fortune! However, Weeble is actually more interested in getting revenge on Blackbeard, who landed the killing blow on his "father", but Bakkin stops him, saying that there's no profit in revenge. Therefore, they must concentrate on gathering wealth instead. She then reads the paper, and learns of the news of Doflamingo's downfall by Luffy's hands, who Whitebeard's men protected during the war. This prompts Weeble to mention that he might know where Marco is located, and suggests hunting him down to beat him up......

-A week has passed. Luffy and co. are lost in the middle of mist, and Barto's crew is seasick (making Zoro surprised that these guys are even pirates, heh). They then spot something moving in the distance, which looks like a moving mountain. Law points out that the vivre card he has points towards his crew on that "mountain". After some more brief chatter (which involved Usopp boasting about his bounty and Law shutting him up by saying he's on the admiral's wanted list now), they discover that what seems to be a mountain or island is.... actually a gigantic elephant! Yes, true to the island's name ("zou" is the Japanese word for elephant), the island itself is the elephant.... or at least, the island on its back, anyway. Since it's constantly moving, it never stays in the same place, and the Log Pose doesn't point to this location. Law also notes that it's his first time at this island, as well. They figure that Sanji's group arrived at Zou earlier than they did. The samurai then bring up that they heard about a race who hates humans inhabiting that island, which Law also acknowledges. It turns out that the tribe in question is the Minkmen tribe, who lived on the island for a thousand years. That means the elephant is at least 1000 years old, as well....!!!!

Preview pic of the new warlord:

Spoiler for 7th warlord:

Last edited by marvelB; 2015-10-01 at 01:21.
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