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Old 2015-10-28, 14:33   Link #1081
Join Date: Sep 2007
Originally Posted by Zakoo View Post
Same question for monku no tsukeyou ga nai love comedy, i find the manga interesting so I'm wondering how the LN is.
Pretty late, but better late than never I guess. Monrabu is a pretty easy read. It is pretty straightforward and does a good job on using the illustrations. I'd say it's worth reading if you liked the main couple.

Originally Posted by Kunagisa View Post
I think I'm just getting lame in mind and more picky, haven't been able to find too many interesting books. Then again, this thread has been pretty dead too. Maybe it's not just me?
I'm more or less like this too. I still find some fun LNs but that's it. There are very few titles which I would recommend for being actually good or interesting unless it's new stuff from authors you already know of.

From the last few months I loved reading Saikyou Series (god bless more Aikawa Jun), Hexennacht and Zitsuryoku but I'm really biased towards the authors.

Anyway, there is only one title which I found out to be really interesting called letters/vanishing. It is a sci-fi LN where a concept known as Meta-Physical World Language (MPWL) exists. Everything in the universe is formed by words. Some people can see these words naturally (off-priori) while most of people can only see the MPWL if they make a surgery. The off-priori may even be able to manipulate these words and this means that they can do some pretty neat things. I mean, they can literally "recreate" the world around them depending on their level of affinity with the MPWL.

The first volume is very "heavy" because it does have lots of infodump. The characters were just okay to me so it had some boring parts. The second volume was pretty good though. The author managed to expand the setting while having more light-hearted scenes with some romance, comedy and action. There is a little bit of gore too. Btw, the main character of the series is a cute 14-year (don't remember exactly) old serial killer.

The best thing here is how the author uses the MPWL and works on some interesting topics (boundary between life and death, how does a personality is created, mental grammar, AI) while using real knowledge from programming, philosophy, biotechnology, arts, etc. Oguri's illustrations are pretty good too.

Oh, I guess there is Sukasuka too if you like a fantasy setting. Not your usual type of story and it is kind of anti-climatic. The LN that somehow managed to revive after getting axed
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