Thread: Disgaea PC
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Old 2015-11-16, 14:43   Link #4
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Remember they need to start somewhere.
Originally Posted by Urzu 7 View Post
I might get this. Never gave games like this one and Final Fantasy Tactics the kind of chance they deserve.

Is the first Disgaea game considered one of the best in the series? How does it compare to Final Fantasy Tactics? Just as good? Better?
Best... no. Mechanics compared to new games is rather primitive and story... never been strong point of this series.

As for comparing it with FFT, IMO they're on same level, but I prefer Disgaea games. I played both games ages ago, so I could get something wrong.
Story: FFT
Characters: Clearly Disgaea
Classes: Tie. Both use system "lvl up class to x level to unlock new class".
Battles: Tie. FFT uses random rules that tells what you cant do during battle, Disgaea have geopanels.
And if you want to see everything that game have to offer:
Endgame: Disgaea wins with item world (random levels that allows you lvl up items) and dark assembly where you unlock new levels (that after beating allows you to use new characters or leads to secret endings), classes, allows you to change difficulty level of battles etc.
Oh, in Disgaea is also Etna that shows you alternate story - what would happen if Etna would accidentally kill Laharl in opening scene.

Review on IGN and something on YT,
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