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Old 2015-12-03, 16:36   Link #840
Supreme Coconut Edgelord
Join Date: Aug 2015
I'm probably off base in this, but I had to make a few guesses on what will happen next, this is how I expect the next volume to go down.
(Keep in mind, these assumptions are unfounded)

A few of these things will probably end up happening either in volume 15 or 16.

Accelerator vs. Kamisato (Apartment destroyed. Maybe) Kakine assists him in protecting last order. The fight ends, and group begins reforming temporarily.
Kihara final scientist uprising begins (The remaining kihara original 7 will make an appearance.)
School Garden is attacked for some reason. ( Yuiitsu's on the fly strategy to force Touma, Kakeru, and the level 5s to gather in one place. Hamazura and item are attacked, Fremea is kidnapped again, and her ability is used in order to make them fight against each other and eliminate themselves.)
The organ crusher shows up, and the number 6 finally makes his debut, but uses a mask and/or alters his voice when making phone calls.
Laura still waiting for the science side to destroy itself from within before invading/conquering the city. (Using Aleister's own stategy of waiting on the sidelines as both sides wear themselves down against him and attempting to steal victory without lifting a finger. Aleister is forced into the offensive - possible confrontation with Fiamma and/or Kakeru. Kakeru joins forces with Aleister, Fiamma declines, but states his reasons. Decides to inform Kamijou on what is happening instead. Aliester is okay with this, as it ensures that the imagine breaker is not compromised.)
The City is nearly left in ruins, and due to this, the Kiharas are no longer interested in remaining there, and spread themselves evenly throughout the world. The third season cloning project is revived on an international level.
Seria Kumokawa confronts Yuiitsu, a fight breaks out, but she loses.
Mikoto still has no idea what magic is, and will most likely not find until volume 16. Her and Misaki are immune to Fremea's ability. But thats predictable.
The volume ends with Aiwass arranging a meeting with Laura, this disturbs her, but she doesn't express that to him/her/It.
Aiwass makes a deal with her, novel ends here.
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