Thread: Crunchyroll Lance N' Masques
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Old 2015-12-08, 09:30   Link #204
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by Thany View Post
I do agree he's not drooling over her either, it's more like an implied shipping between him with Makio. The romantic mode seems much more intense when he's in his knight mode however. Anyway I feel that people are exaggerating on some stuff indeed. Even the chief woman didn't seem to drool over Yotaro either. It felt more like joking around than attempted rape. However it is indeed noticeable Yotaro's friend has feelings for the chief.
I would agree with the crowd about the chief actually, to some extent. While I don't feel like Youtarou has any sexual interest in Makio and any romantic interests are strictly controlled by his sense of propriety and will continue as such until she's at an age where courtship is acceptable, the Chief is much more direct. She got in the bath to give him some "service", asked him to become "hers", prepared a great feast in hopes to win him over, and even went on to Yoriko about how he has such a great bod. That's an awfully long way to take a joke; I suspect she had other reasons to abduct him, but figured since she was hot for him she'd take a shot while she was at it. I suspect now that she knows her top pupil, whom she also has a high opinion of, is in love with her, she'll probably turn her attentions closer to home where she knows she'll win.
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