Thread: Licensed One-Punch Man
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Old 2015-12-21, 11:00   Link #1516
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Join Date: May 2014
Originally Posted by luffyxnami View Post
That does not speak much especially when we saw that majority of the alien on the ship except for three guy are weak as heck, so why should we believe the alien in the universe are super strong? Heck the sea king claim is as much of credit as Boros since he probably dominate the sea like Boros dominated space so there is not much you can said to support Boros and claim boros is speaking the true and other weren't.
Also saitama didn't neutralize the blast, he weaken it and split it in two.

Also you are going under the assumption that there will only one god level threat and that is the reason Boros was not call god by ONE but that assumption could be wrong.
Can you actually read? You brought up his lieutenants saying they were weak so Boros couldn't have been strong. That's not even reasoning. We only ever saw 1 of his lieutenants fight multiple S class heroes and the other two got one punched by Saitama, which isn't really saying anything. Their strength doesn't say anything about Boros' and they don't ahve to because Boros proved his strength when he took multiple punches from Saitama. Boros is strong.

Bad guys giving themselves titles is a custom. It's not boasting. It's a recognition of their achievements. Sea King ruled the seas so he's king of the seas. Boros razed the galaxy so that makes him "Dominator of the Galaxy."

Splitting it in two would mean it was only slightly stronger than Boros' attack. Whereas annihilating the middle section of the blast would require much greater strength. Saitama's tanked Boros' attacks like they were nothing and his punches would've killed Boros if it weren't for his regenerative ability. A serious punch should way outclass Boros's strongest attack.

No I'm not. Quit making stuff up. Nothing I wrote implied that. I'm saying ONE's saving god for something stronger. Whether that be a single being or a class of beings. Although considering the rarity of even an above dragon level threat, it'd be surprising if we got more than one god class threat.
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