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Old 2016-02-10, 16:50   Link #38
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Meanwhile, I can't stand how range and melee weapons work in this game, mainly because the game dictate you a 2 phase type of battle system, which isn't exactly smooth in this case.

I mean, outside of the sniper rifle, your ranged attacks are incredibly weak to the point they are "just" there for debuffs. Sure, debuffs seem to be quite important to weaken the enemies for the melee phase, but that role is quite restrictive, and the true battle becomes a talesOf/Musou like.

Again, I don't get why they couldn't have both weapons being usable for debuffs AND damage. In most cases, there was no way for the guy playing the demo to finish off an enemy with his rifle: he has to go melee for that, even though it is, logically speaking, more risky.

The game looks more like a Musou due to the sheer number of enemies thrown at you, without much options but to rush at them, instead of going tactical like it was in VC1. To add the insult to the injury, this mode seclude you and the melee aggroed mobs in an arena, cutting short the enemy reinforcements ad infinitum.

I don't mind the action oriented style in general, but Azure Revolution doesn't show any kind of finesse with its entry gameplay, which is very very worrisome for a franchise that pretends to be the successor of one of the most adored 3D tactical console game.
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