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Old 2016-02-26, 15:44   Link #35543
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Originally Posted by Sethalak View Post
But how could Battler's mere presence to prevent the adults killing each other?
He doesn't prevent the adults from killing each others.
The murder game exists as a game between Sayo and (an unwilling) Battler. If Battler doesn't come back she believes she wouldn't have thought about making it.In 1986 with her game Sayo encouraged the adults, who were under stress and in really bad terms among them to solve the epitaph. As they do, see the gold and the guns they start to argue and tragedy ensues.
Sayo thinks that if she hadn't encouraged the adults to solve the epitaph they wouldn't have tried doing it, therefore wouldn't have solved it, wouldn't have argued in the room of the gold and wouldn't have ended up shooting at each other.

Truth to be told the adults could have tried solving the epitaph anyway and things could have gone just in the same way but she's not considering this option.

Originally Posted by Sethalak View Post
And with "truth" do you mean, that she actually loves Battler or that she have multiple personalities? -->
Sayo doesn't have multiple personalities. The 'truth' is the sad state of her body (her genitals got damaged, she can't have children and it's strongly implied that her chromosomes were XY and not XX but she had been raised into the belief she had XX chromosomes).
She thinks that, due to it, no one would accept her but they would be all disgusted.

Originally Posted by Sethalak View Post
I don't understand, how Sayo can also exist als "shannon" at the same time ...
Sayo IS Shannon. Shannon is merely her working name as the Ushiromiya rename each orphan that comes from Fukuin orphanage with a name ending with the kanji 'on'.
However on work Sayo isn't free to express herself but has to act in a certain way. That's why Shannon is considered a 'persona' and not the true Sayo (though a good part of Shannon reflects the true Sayo).
Keep in mind she's basically living in her workplace so she's playing a role for most of her day.
Kanon is a disguise Sayo started to wear when she though her life could be happier if she were a boy. He's born more as a way to express certain emotions that wouldn't be proper for Shannon to express (girls can't act in ways in whcih boys are allowed to act). In a way he's also a persona as she also had to make sure that in some things he would be different from Shannon so they wouldn't recognize her.
Beatrice is also a disguise Sayo uses to play pranks. Under Beatrice's identity she can prank others (like she did when she caused the key to disappear) without consequences, a thing Sayo isn't allowed to do. Beatrice acts in a way Sayo thinks should be fitting for a witch sos he's also a persona.

In short, there's just Sayo playing 3 roles.

Originally Posted by Sethalak View Post
Umineko is solvable without magic, right? Then, why does exist a "meta world"? Why can I (and all other characters in the series) "see" "Shannon" although she should be Sayo / Claire / Beatrice whatever? Ah damn.

Thank you for the explanation!
The meta isn't magic. The meta is the idea the characters' souls ended up in Purgatory and from there can discuss among them a story and view it as if it was played in front of them.

It's tied with some Japanese beliefs I'm not the best expert to explain.

In the west we've different beliefs concerning souls and the otherwords, if objects can aquire a soul or not and if souls of the living can wander around so for us it's a bit more complicate to grasp the meta.

Going back to why we can see... let's say Shannon and Beatrice at the same time during one of the games... well that's because the narrator is lying.

However as we're shown what the narrator is saying and not what it's truly happening we can see them at the same time.
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