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Old 2016-03-06, 06:40   Link #6
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
First, I have to let this off my chest: I’m kinda mad that Carta can get away scott free off screen like that. She’s not even captured and became prisoner. Just what the hell happened? Did Mika just let her go? There’s no way he’d do that to someone who has killed Biscuit. My guess is that the remaining Carta’s blonde-squad interfered and managed to snatched her Graze. If that’s what happened then I have to commend those blondie-boys for a job well done staying alive and protecting and saving their superior's life. Otherwise, we’ll get more Ein-clones .

Aside from that. This episode is a really good calm & build-up episode.

Second, anybody who bash Kudelia for her incompetence in strategy and negotiation should shut the hell up after watching this episode. I did say in the past that Kudelia was learning during all the meetings and plannings with Tekkadan & Turbines. And that’s all not for naught as she proved herself this episode by coming up with a really good plan (excellent if you count this being her first time on Earth) to stop in the less obvious place like Anchorage and using Makanai’s connection to transport via double-rail train to Edmonton. She came with all that on her own without Fumi, Orga or Bisky to help her and Teiwaz & Montag providing the resources. Even a Terran-politician like Makanai was impressed and called her a realist and not just a blind idealist.

On the other hand, Kudelia’s smooth plan kinda rob us from the usual air-sea battle where the antagonist faction tried to stop the MC’s ship midway which is a common Gundam trope. It’s kinda sad coz I really want to see this universe’s aquatic & aerial MSs. But narrative-wise, this is really good and provides a little bit of a fresh air and break from the usual Gundam trope (aside from showing Kudelia's competence to the audience).

Also, I’m sure many people were hoping for Merribit to cheer up Orga. Heck, some of the crazy ones even wanted Merribit to give Orga some grief-sex (seriously, what the hell were they thinking? ). But instead, we have Mika and his creepy-way of cheering up Orga. Orga my man, you really have some balls of steel to be able to put up with Mika . But I don’t think Mika is as crazy as he let out this episode. I think he was intentionally played it a bit harsher to make Orga snap out of it so that Tekkadan kids can survive. Way to go, Mika! Don't these two guys really have a wonderful relationship or what?

  • All the background info surrounding the AV-system and Gjallarhorn’s past that McG provided this episode is really intriguing (I want more). And Fareed Sr.'s scheming is smooth as hell if not for Carta’s pride...uh...issues. All in all, world building is still going on even this late in the season giving this series a four-cour feels. Is IBO really gonna end in episode 25/26? Hmm....
  • The title for the next episode sounds really sinister or foreboding. Sounds like something bad will happen again. I hope it's just me, but damn, this is still Gundam.

Last edited by Obelisk ze Tormentor; 2016-03-06 at 06:52. Reason: adding some notes
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