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Old 2016-03-06, 07:46   Link #9
Join Date: Oct 2015
I'm mad for Carta just getting out of there. Sure, probably those two Grazes saved her... but at least show us some plausible way of doing that, dangit. This way it feels like a cop-out.

This episode cemented it for me: Orga might be the leader, but it's Mika yanking his chains around. And seriously, Mika is scary. Forget meeting him in a dark alley, I'm not sure I'd want to be on the same highway as he is.

And thusly Tekkadan embarks on the warpath. I don't see this ending well for them, but it goes to show how the vicious cycle of vengeance sets off. Every side in the conflict now wants revenge for someone, and this probably won't stop until only one of them remains. I'm not afraid for Mika, but Marribit will probably have less work with the Tekkadan monthly paychecks from now on...

EDIT: also, Chocoman warning GaliGali that there could be a spy in Gjallarhorn... haha, that's golden. I don't think I ever liked a Gundam villian as much as McGillis.

EDIT EDIT: Also, is that Carta charging in the preview? The Graze with the red cloth? The same formal challange for a duel in which Crank also died? It seems her subordinates saved her just so she can stupidly waste her life.
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