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Old 2016-03-06, 08:26   Link #13
Ryuuoh DeltaPlus
A Random Lurker
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Philippines
Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
Second, anybody who bash Kudelia for her incompetence in strategy and negotiation should shut the hell up after watching this episode. I did say in the past that Kudelia was learning during all the meetings and plannings with Tekkadan & Turbines. And that’s all not for naught as she proved herself this episode by coming up with a really good plan (excellent if you count this being her first time on Earth) to stop in the less obvious place like Anchorage and using Makanai’s connection to transport via double-rail train to Edmonton. She came with all that on her own without Fumi, Orga or Bisky to help her and Teiwaz & Montag providing the resources. Even a Terran-politician like Makanai was impressed and called her a realist and not just a blind idealist.

I see a lot of people branding Kudelia as just a poor ripoff of Relena or Marina. But oh boy are they wrong.

We see a character from a high position in society who steps down from her comfort zones and live among our protagonists (who are basically recently retired child soldiers who's running a startup company to make a living), and learn how society really works and how the people around her live in the harsh world they're in. And after gaining significant knowledge, she then proceeds to face head-on her agenda without flinching.
This is one of the best character developments I've seen in Gundam princesses, right after Diana Soriel/Kihel Heim.
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