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Old 2016-03-09, 05:38   Link #1980
a.k.a. Flammenkrieg
*IT Support
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Down under...

Despite being time-poor as of late, I've somehow managed to successfully clear Neptunia VII (again) and reach the normal end (time taken, approx. 40 hours).

Although I'll probably need to replay a few events, I'm overall pretty happy with the job done with the English dubbing (despite my preference for the Japanese voice acting), particularly since the quality picks up closer to the tailend of the game. It's still a bit of shame that a proportion of story-related events weren't dubbed though.

I really should get around to updating the initial write-up I did back on page 89... That being said, New Game Plus is a huge boon for replayability, like gaining flag items that increase dungeon movement speed, and disabling of random battles on the world map, so getting to the True End is much quicker and easier the second time around.

Briefy in recent news:
- This week's round of VII DLC for the NA/EU versions has been released, most notably Umio as an extra party member, the Trillion: God of Destruction Costume Set and PS4 themes.
- Steam sale: The Neptunia games on PC are currently on sale for the next few days. Re;Birth1 is currently 5.99USD, Re;Birth2 is at 8.99USD and Re;Birth3 is at 11.99USD.

I think PS4 should be added to the thread title now, too.
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