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Old 2016-03-09, 21:55   Link #137
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Beautiful by the end, and does remind me of Aria, especially as it approaches the presumed end, though it is really just the end of the girl and the beginning of the woman. The Maon first half was well used in showing us the typical high schooler not knowing exactly what they want to do in life... and how many really know? This Maon part set the background scene of change from high school to post HS and beyond, which college represents... even if it is rarely ever shown, as those ties are slowly loosened and most often lost... changed along the way as the patterns from youth get set in stone for most people... as is said, most of life rarely really changes from high school... just a question of how far down the 'rabbit hole' one goes to understanding self and others.... which gets represented in the second half with Fuu and her deeper transition, perhaps away from all of her comfort zones, or most of them... in this series, we've watched her start off lost without anchors, gain some and now is seeing how they will perhaps be lost again... the process of growing up, as those anchors get reset.

This is what got my attention the most... the little childish touches were there throughout the 50 minutes, but far, far less... the schoolgirl routine really wasn't seen, the near daily cafe stopovers, the grandma and mother wasn't seen at all if I remember correctly... all little signs of the shifting sands beneath their feet, especially Fuu's, as those sands have shifted with the tides of change in her life. This film captures that transition out of school life towards adult life, in which anime seems to fear to tread. And this series seems like a good candidate to continue that journey, especially given the skill set of the creators... which is really outstanding by the end of this film, and if I remember correctly, they've ended each season this way... not sure, but they've really done a remarkable job with this anime, especially now as those typical school antics/plot devices are removed from the stage for the most part, and we are, by the end of this film, being prepared to see them off, like parents ourselves... or uncles/aunts... or old family friends like her fathers that is visiting for the festival once more... all the key people in her life are represented by the close. As for the camera as a plot device and symbol of this anchor issue? Perfect, even Fuu recognizes the necessity for a photographer for backup cameras, equipment etc... but the symbolism is so well done.

All the little elements of characterization, especially regarding Fuu as the main character of course, are really shining brightly by the end of this film, and should continue to the end given the current trajectory of dealing with the obstacles of life... mostly the emotionally painful realizations... those that groove the deepest channel in our mind. The creator of this series is really hitting his stride.
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