Thread: A Laugh A Day
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Old 2006-06-03, 23:35   Link #541
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: USA
Originally Posted by Lumiliun
This joke is kind of old... But still, it's new for those who hasn't heard it yet
Here it goes...

Bush and Powell are sitting in a bar. Then a guy walks in and asks the barman;
"Isn't that Bush and Powell?"

The barman answers;
"Yeah, it's them."

So the guy walks over to them and asks,
"Hey, what are you guys doing?"

And Bush says;
"We're planning world war 3."

And the guy says;
"Really? What's gonna happen?"

Bush says;
"Well, we're going to kill 20 million Afghans and one bicycle repairman!"

The guy looked confused and said;
"What? Why a bicycle repairman!?"

Then Bush turns to Powell and says;
"Ha! I told you so! No-one would care about the 20 million Afghans."

(And for those who does not understand: it's making fun of Bush, -not 20 million afghans.)

lol good one
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