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Old 2016-03-28, 18:07   Link #140
He Without a Title
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The land of tempura
I finally found the time to watch the third film and those bloody tiny ninjas decide to chop onions under my eyes again! No, I'm not crying, it was the ninjas!

Boy that was quite an ending. Gotta say I loved the parallelism made between the blown out photos due to the shutter problem and the fear of having everything Potte knows slowly fade away from her life as people naturally go their separate ways after high school. And with Potte still recovering from the trauma of her lost father it must be unfathomable to those of us who luckily haven't had a similar loss in our lifes. I hope for the best for Potte and her camera but the prospects for the latter aren't good. But maybe that's actually a good thing? Maybe Potte overcoming her attachment to her father's camera will be used to symbolise that, while she respects and cherishes everything that happened in her life both with her father and during the three years of the show, she is now ready to move on and stop being stuck in her past? I know I'm eagerly awaiting the final movie and I'm sure those bloody ninjas will be working overtime then.

Also, some minor things:

-Kanae and AkariShihomi give this movie +1000 moe points
-You could sadly see that they had to shaft Maon's part in the story to save budget to the second part. That first part had a really heavy budget feel to it.
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