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Old 2006-06-07, 00:42   Link #15
FightingMagic Founder
Join Date: May 2004
I'll put my input real quick on the US version. I'm a little displeased on the Voice choosen for Molly, as it at times makes her sound way too young. However, for the most part, the voice cast for the show is pretty solid. Dialog wise, I believe alot of it is kept close to the original.

The Music issue, the main episode music is left intact. The Opening and ending, however, has been completely changed. The animation is kept intact, but the new song ruins the flow of the animation. (Considering both opening and endings were in Japanese.) It's a little annoying, especially sense I wanted to hear the full ending song. (The french version at most, has only played 40 seconds of the song.)

As for cuts, almost none. Most cuts were just time cuts (and whenever there was a commercial break, usually about 1 - 4 seconds were lost during that fade-out and fade-in from commercial breaks, but that's all). There's one scene, I can't remember if it was in the english version. Molly meets the prince when she first begins to look around the place. The scene was abotu a minute or two long. Regardless if this was cut, it isn't a permanent one, as Molly reconises the Prince later on, which pretty much acknoledges the scene took place.

But, that's about it. Though, I'm a little worried about a scene that'll happen in a bit.

Spoiler for Episode 4 or 5 spoilers:

Hopefully, Disney doesn't have any problems with it...
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