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Old 2016-05-01, 23:55   Link #42
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
Lol you know an anime has you in its grips when you keep refreshing a certain site at a certain time, just so you can get the episode as soon as could get it. Man I haven't done this in ages...

Max and Millia in HD? I know I'm being greedy here, but couldn't they have been animated or something? XD

Is that Freyja also giving Mirage and Hayate her blessing? Like what, you got these two people having UST right in front of you, and you just smile and laugh about it? Seems like they're going more into a friendly triangle more than a combative one, which I personally feel a bit disappointed about. Oh well, the other love polygon doesn't looks to be as harmonious, though it was lacking in this episode.

No new song, but hey, at least we got Freyja dancing to her own song. Still, I wanted the whole song at least, but I guess being interrupted mid-song is them being true to the Saturn Ring date in DYRL. :'(

I find it funny too that Messer was going to rat out Freyja to Kaname, when all along the Walkure were already spying on the 'spy'. Heck, by the looks of it, the Walkure actually LET the two have their flying date just to get more info about Freyja's singing abilities, so I find it humorous that Messer doesn't know how empty his threats were.

Overall, I found that this was too much infodump to really enjoy the episode. At least they have connected the captain and the commander to the dying king, that the previous White Knight is probably Master Helmmann, that Freyja is under suspicion by the entire side of the federation, that Mirage probably has inferiority complex due to how great her grandparents were, and of course the reasons why Freyja and Hayate are staying with the Walkure/Delta platoon. Still, that's a HECK of a lot of info to give us in one episode that I can't help but feel that they should have at least given us two, but it looks like they want to alternate between action and non-action every episode.

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