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Old 2006-06-08, 22:02   Link #95
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2006
I'm sure someone has already done something similar, but I thought I'd post this anyway.

For anyone that wants to use this script with .ogm files, I created a simple small batch file for converting all the .ogm files in the specified folder to .mkv using the mkvmerge.exe that is included.

@echo off
:: Set this to the location of the mkvmerge.exe file
set mkvmerge=D:\DVDStudio\Scripts\Apps\MKV\mkvmerge.exe
:: Set this to the folder where you have the .ogm files. Do not include the trailing backslash
set sourcedir=D:\OGMFiles

for %%x in (*.ogm) do (
"%mkvmerge%" -o "%sourcedir%\%%~nx.mkv" "%sourcedir%\%%~nx.ogm"
Copy this to a new file and name it what you like. Save the file in the same folder that will be the home for your .ogm files, and presto! Instant .mkv files (well, maybe not instant, but faster than doing it all manually), which are now compatible with the script. It will take all the video, audio and subtitle tracks and insert them into a new .mkv file.

This is a quick and dirty batch file, but it works just fine for me. It is probably possible to include this in the script itself, so it will automatically convert the .ogm file to .mkv before it scans it.
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